Notice For New Alliance & AoC :)

Dear All,

I'm going to host cwpq soon on Monday & Wednesday 10pm. (Might starting on 16/7 onwards)
R> people to help me at weekly Monday & Wednesday. ( you may choose one of the days to help) and anyone need MoN necks? please gimme the details as below :

Job :

The list of neckers & attackers will be given everyweek till the end of the neck list.
Thank you very much! :)

1. Neckers please do your quest before you attend cwpq.
2. I also will need helps from neckers when i'm lack of jobs. neckers will need to help in some of the cwpq runs too. Necks are not only for FoC, you need WORK for it too.

Link for Quest :

BlueBerryEX @ XiaoBerryx33

15th August 2011

Pt 1 (Attacking Party 1)
1. [Bshp] BlueBerryEX
2. [pala] GTPaladin
3. [bm ] Cl0udyBright
4. [Vpr ] GuGuShooter
5. [Bam] AuroraBoreaI
6. [Hero] froztygua

Party 2 (Attacking party )
1. [Hero] fairweathel2
2. [Vpr] IDarkViperl
3. [NL] Cless2222
4. [wh ] LovelyWH
5. [DK] xMissyLeox

Those who are taking neck if u're dc, warped out will not be refunded back. Please pay for your neck before you enter the cwpq.

Necks on 15th August 2011

Neck 1 : AceShovv2
Neck 2 : iliketolol
Neck 3 :
Neck 4 :
Neck 5 :
Neck 6 :
Neck 7 :

Party List on 1st August 2011

Pt 1 (Attacking Party 1)
1. [Bshp] BlueBerryEX
2. [pala] GTPaladin
3. [bm ] Cl0udyBright
4. [Vpr ] GuGuShooter
5. [Bam] AuroraBoreaI
6. [Hero] HeroLupin

Party 2 (Attacking party )
1. [shad] OblivionFate
2. [Vpr] IDarkViperl
3. [NL ] Cless2222 [yeen]
4. [wh ] iReikol
5. [Hero] fairweathel2

Those who are taking neck if u're dc, warped out will not be refunded back. Please pay for your neck before you enter the cwpq.

Neck 1st Round on 1st August 2011

Neck 1 : FlyMech
Neck 2 : Levyne
Neck 3 : Celestle
Neck 4 : Chaos8989
Neck 5 : iMjustKid
Neck 6 : BlondDevil7
Neck 7 : HeroLupin

Party List on 21th July 2011

Party List on 21th July 2011

Pt 1 (Attacking Party 1)
1. [Bshp] BlueBerryEX
2. [Drk ] xMissyLeox
3. [bm ] xLastSight
4. [Vpr ] GuGuShooter
5. [Bam] AuroraBoreaI
6. [Hero] xhappyAPPLE

Party 2 (Attacking party )
1. [NL] TranscenderX
2. [Vpr] IDarkViperl
3. [NL ] NeverLoseB4
4. [wh ] LovelyWH
5. [Hero] fairweathel2

Party 3 (Squad 3)

Those who are taking neck if u're dc, warped out will not be refunded back. Please pay for your neck before you enter the cwpq.

Neck 1st Round on 21th July 2011

Neck 1 : AXLJay 
Neck 2 : xBurBerrySin 

Neck 3 : 
Neck 4 : 

4th July 2011

Party List on 4th July 2011

Pt 1 (Attacking Party 1)
1. [Bshp] BlueBerryEX
2. [Drk ] xMissyLeox
3. [bm ] xLastSight
4. [Vpr ] GuGuShooter

Party 2 (Attacking party )
1. [NL] TranscenderX
3. [NL ] NeverLoseB4
4. [wh ] KittyBitesYou
5. [Hero] fairweathel2

Party 3 (Squad 3)

Those who are taking neck if u're dc, warped out will not be refunded back. Please pay for your neck before you enter the cwpq.
Neck 1st Round on 4th July 2011
Neck 1 : lxSunQuanxl
Neck 2 : AceDarky
Neck 3 : DkForYaKuZa
Neck 4 : xxxUsuixxx

30th June 2011

Party List on 30th June 2011

Pt 1 (Attacking Party 1)
1. [Bshp] BlueBerryEX
2. [Drk ] xMissyLeox
3. [bm ] xLastSight
4. [Vpr ] GuGuShooter
5. [BaM] AuroraBoreal
6. [NL ] Zh3nIov3sYe3

Party 2 (Attacking party )
1. [NL] TranscenderX
2. [Hero] xhappyAPPLE
3. [NL ] NeverLoseB4
4. [wh ] KittyBitesYou
5. [Hero] fairweathel2
6. [NL] EdwardJ0seph

Party 3 (Squad 3)
1. [Pala] BlondDevil7
2. [Shd ] ClydeZ
3. [Evn ] iEvanBaby
4. [Gun ] FallenWishes

Those who are taking neck if u're dc, warped out will not be refunded back. Please pay for your neck before you enter the cwpq.

Neck 1st Round on 30th June 2011

Neck 1 : lxSunQuanxl
Neck 2 :
Neck 3 : xLafe
Neck 4 :

Party List on th June 2011

Party List on th June 2011

Pt 1 (Attacking Party 1)
1. [Bshp] BlueBerryEX
2. [Drk ] xMissyLeox
3. [bm ] xLastSight
4. [Vpr ] GuGuShooter
5. [BaM] AuroraBoreal
6. [NL ] Zh3nIov3sYe3

Party 2 (Attacking party )
1. [NL] TranscenderX
2. [Hero] Awerto
3. [NL ] NeverLoseB4
4. [wh ] KittyBitesYou

Party 3 (Squad 3)
1. [Pala] BlondDevil7
2. [Evan] iEvanBaby
3. [Bshp] ox0Qiu0xo
4. [WH ] lxSunQuanxl

Those who are taking neck if u're dc, warped out will not be refunded back. Please pay for your neck before you enter the cwpq.

Neck 1st Round on th June 2011

Neck 1 : iEvanBaby
Neck 2 : Wo5hiYuki
Neck 3 :
Neck 4 :

Party List on 23th June 2011

Party List on 23th June 2011

Pt 1 (Attacking Party 1)
1. [Bshp] BlueBerryEX
2. [Drk ] xMissyLeox
3. [bm ] xLastSight
4. [Vpr ] GuGuShooter
5. [BaM] AuroraBoreal
6. [NL ] Zh3nIov3sYe3

Party 2 (Attacking party )
1. [NL] TranscenderX
2. [Hero] Awerto
3. [NL ] NeverLoseB4
4. [wh ] KittyBitesYou

Party 3 (Squad 3)
1. [Pala] BlondDevil7
2. [Evan] iEvanBaby
3. [Bshp] ox0Qiu0xo
4. [WH ] lxSunQuanxl

Those who are taking neck if u're dc, warped out will not be refunded back. Please pay for your neck before you enter the cwpq.

Neck 1st Round on 23th June 2011

Neck 1 : HaloRESIST
Neck 2 : Wo5shiYuki
Neck 3 : iMemorable
Neck 4 : iEvanBaby

Neck 2nd Round 23th June 2011
Neck 1 : lxSunQuanxl
Neck 2 : AXLJay
Neck 3 :
Neck 4 :

Party List on 16th June 2011

Party List on 16th June 2011

Pt 1 (Attacking Party 1)
1. [Bshp] BlueBerryEX
2. [Drk ] xMissyLeox
3. [bm ] xLastSight
4. [Vpr ] GuGuShooter [dc]
5. [Pala] GTPaladin
6. [NL ] Zh3nIov3sYe3

Party 2 (Attacking party )
1. [NL] TranscenderX
2. [Hero] Awerto
3. [NL ] NeverLoseB4
4. [wh ] KittyBitesYou [dc]
5. [Pala] BlondDevil7
6. [Vpr] AXLVipeR

Party 3 (Squad 3)
1. [Pala] BlondDevil7
2. [Evan] iEvanBaby
3. [Bshp] ox0Qiu0xo
4. [WH ] lxSunQuanxl [dc]

Those who are taking neck if u're using windows vista or 7 please inform. We shall let you take first considering there's a chance you'll dc halfway

Neck 1st Round on 16th June 2011

Neck 1 : WorldWarLv
Neck 2 : TranscenderX
Neck 3 : AXLVipeR
Neck 4 : AuroraBoreaI

Neck 2nd Round 16th June 2011
Neck 1 : DKForYaKuZa
Neck 2 : BertCantFly
Neck 3 : WoShiiFBL ($$)
Neck 4 : WildWinter

Party List on 09th June 2011

Party List on 09th June 2011
Pt 1 (Attacking Party 1)
1. [Bshp] BlueBerryEX
2. [Drk ] xMissyLeox
3. [bm ]
4. [Vpr] GuGuShooter
5. [Hero] Awerto
6. [NL] NeVeRLoSeB4

Party 2 (Attacking party )
1. [Bsp]
2. [Drk]
3. [NL ]
4. [bm]
5. [Pala] BlondDevil7
6. [Vpr] lDarkViperl

Party 3 (Squad 3)

Those who are taking neck if u're using windows vista or 7 please inform. We shall let you take first considering there's a chance you'll dc halfway

Neck 1st Round on 9th June 2011
Neck 1 : alav4nche [leo's friend]
Neck 2 : xl3ryant's friend [$$]
Neck 3 : ImaBm
Neck 4 : xl3ryant [$$]

Neck 2nd Round 9th June 2011
Neck 1 : xPandaJaira
Neck 2 : TranscenderX
Neck 3 : LegendaryC
Neck 4 : KittyBiteYou